
Learn. Grow. Empower

Bringing the best of Asia to children
all over the world!


It takes a village to raise the next generation of thinkers, leaders and innovators.
AsiaKids events are designed specifically to nurture and support children’s learning and exploring, at every stage of their growth and development.
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A Speech & Drama Weekend
Playful Tales,
Imaginative Trails!

For children
ages 4-6.
Limited slots only.

Build & Design
A Speech & Drama Weekend
Young actors,
big adventures!

Date: 9 & 10 Dec (Sat & Sun)
Time: 10am-12pm OR 1pm-3pm
Venue: Level 10, Menara Prima, Dataran Prima
Ticket: RM200 per child

For children
ages 7-9.
Limited slots only.

AsiaKids Community

What do you think are skills children need
to be equipped with for the 21st century?

Alone, we can do so little; together, we can do so much. - Helen Keller

Our Partner School:

Lil' Lykke

At Little Lykke, we believe that every child should grow up safe, happy and healthy. For them to have the opportunity to experience this within close proximity of mom & dad while they’re at work – even better!
The more that you read, the more things you will know. The more that you learn, the more places you’ll go. – Dr. Seuss

Get in touch with us to be a part of the AsiaKids community today!

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